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카이로프랙틱 진료 과목
•교통사고 재활 (ICBC Chiropractic/ Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Rehab by a Chiropractor)
•성장기 자세교정 (Chiropractic Posture Analysis and Posture Correction by a Chiropractor)
•스포츠 상해 (Sports Injury and rehab by a Chiropractor)
•허리/목 디스크 (Lumbar disc herniation treatment and rehabilitation by a Chiropractor/Cervical Disc herniation treatment and rehabilitation by a Chiropractor)
•척추관 협착증 (Spinal Stenosis treatment and rehabilitation by a Chiropractor)
•좌골 신경통 (Sciatica treatment by a Chiropractor)
•만성 두통 (Chronic headache treatment by a Chiropractor)
•그 외 여러 관절 통증 (Various joint pain and condition treatment by a Chiropractor)
밴쿠버 코퀴틀람 버나비 써리 랭리 교통사고 재활 카이로프랙틱 물리치료 마사지테라피 한의원 운동재활치료 심리상담
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